8 best healthy cookbooks that won't leave you hungry

8 best healthy cookbooks that won't leave you hungry

What constitutes “healthy” food is very much a subjective term: no food alone is intrinsically healthy, rather health is achieved through balanced, non-faddy eating that generally incorporates all food groups.
But with Christmas behind us – which is undoubtedly the most indulgent time of year when it comes to food – as well as those wonderful cheese courses, tins of chocolates and everything else, we're in search for some greenery back in our life.
Happily, attempting to have a healthier New Year doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom: from brightly coloured exciting veg packed recipes to saintly snacking and vegan feasts, there’s a whole host of goodness-giving cookbooks out there to help you shake off the January blues. 
Whether you’re looking to eat less meat, to cut down on sugar or simply cook delicious, wholesome meals from scratch there’s plenty of inspiration on the shelves. 


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